Element = Air
Trailblazers of the Zodiac
Strengths are vision, intellect and humanity


Ruled by the Planets Saturn and Uranus (strong & vibrant)
Saturn considered the father of many Roman gods
The original ruler of Aquarius
Uranus is the oldest of Roman mythological gods
The planet Uranus was discovered after Saturn
Just recently associated with Aquarius
Saturn is the stern taskmaster
Uranus instills Aquarians with a visionary spirit

Classic Aquarians [are, have, like..]

(Insert appropriate verb as needed)

A social conscience
Humanitarians and philanthropists
Want to make the world a better place
Determined to make a difference.

Visionaries ~ find out how things can be better
Like to distribute their thoughts and new ideas
Near-genius ~ border on insanity

Think in terms that will revolutionize the world
At times may seem unpredictable and impersonal
Broad-thinking, logical minds
Love complex and scientific ideas for the good of all
Believe that the new and unknown will change the world
Thoughts that are inventive, artistic, and original
Love anything new, radical and rebellious
Love progress and technology

Like to be agreed with (GRIN..)
Impatient, even temperamental, with naysayers
Opinionated (the Fixed Quality of this Sign)
Happy to give, but often only on terms they are comfortable with
Need ample room to roam
Freedom-loving and individualistic

"Quirky" ~ like it when things go their way
Baseball, tennis, and swimming are favorite sports
Tend to lean towards watery colors (shiny silver / aqua)

Usually sympathetic and compassionate
Consider friends and acquaintances as their treasures
Love to be around people
Tend to give as much as they can
Determined to help everyone they can along the way

Luck comes through an intensity of emotion
Never accept shallowness from themselves or others
Have an insight into true inner motivations
Skeptical ~ Detectives by nature
So rational and intellectual they have tunnel vision
Rationalize away any magic
Feel that life or God will punish them for any missteps

When Venus is in Aquarius

Means the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Experiment with new and uncharted territories of love
They don't know any other way
Unconventional and outrageous
Will try anything once

Playful and flirtatious in love
Play for keeps, although it may not always feel that way
They tend to seek out thinkers AND adventurers
Consider beautiful bodies a prerequisite to love
Venus in Aquarius means constant emotional highs and lows
Truly know the beauty of living in a dream world
Make the most compassionate and humanitarian of lovers
Need a mate who truly appreciates their unique outlook on life
And love..

Know negative, hopeless situations will someday result in an evolution

Sound like anyone you know..? Grin..

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